Android Surpasses Apple in Tablets

First phones, now tablets --

Android overtakes Apple's iPad in tablet marketshare, approaches in revenue ...
Apple Insider
Apple's iPad and iPad mini are still the most popular tablets in the world, but Android-powered tablets are grabbing an increasing share of the market and are collectively approaching the iPad in terms of revenue, according to a new study from ABI ...

Android Tablets Giving The iPad A Run For Its Money [Research]
Apple's iPad has long dominated the tablet market. It is by far one of the most insanely popular tablets available in the market, demand for Apple's slate has skyrocketed since 2010 when the original iPad came out. However, according to ABI Research, ...

Tesco's Hudl Android Tablet Could See The Retailer Define The Winning ...
UK supermarket retailer Tesco announced their own brand Android tablet at the start of this week. The Hudl is a seven inch device with 16 GB of memory, a 1.5 GHz quad core CPU, and runs Android 4.2.2. For a 7 inch tablet, those are relatively middle of ...

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